Saturday, July 14, 2012


Something to hold on to. In my devotions this morning I read the following scripture and prayer. It really spoke to me as a person with an invisible illness who is struggling with what direction to go with my life. Is this constant unrelenting fatigue going to be with me from now on and if so what does that mean as far as work, my ministry, my life? Anyway, I hope the following blesses you as much as it did me this morning.

 Help me, O Lord my God! Save me according to your steadfast love. Psalm 109:26

 We were afflicted in every way - disputes without and fear within. But God, who consoles the downcast, consoled us. 2 Corinthians 7:5-6

 As I think about my day, dear Heavenly Father, I could be discouraged by my limitations. I'm thankful that your Spirit buoys me up with your gracious purpose and power to accomplish all things. Help me to see my disappointments from the perspective of your vast mercy and love. I cast myself upon you because I know you care. Amen!

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