Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 of invisible Illness Week

Okay so I missed blogging yesterday so here I am. I have been reading so many peoples blogs and feeling like I have a sense of community. Oh I have lots of friends and am very blessed with a great support of family, but it has been so great to relate with so many who share the same struggles that I do.

When I started on this journey I did not understand why this had to happen to me, why? What had I done that God would allow me to be knocked of my feet and stopped dead in my tracks. As I continued to fight what was happening to me it only got worse. Oh sometimes I would succomb to the fatigue and the pain and stay in bed for a day of so, but not for long. If I pushed harder I would work through whatever was wrong with my body. Each day I became more and more relient on God's Word. Finally I realized that I needed to listen to my body, rest when I need too, take the extra pain medicine when it is neccisary, and be okay even when know one else understands, because He does. It has come to my attention that through all of this my walk with the Lord has just gotten stronger, that I need the constant reminder that the only way I can get through any day is with Him. I am not saying that God made this happen but I am saying that through this He has drawn me closer to Him.

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