Friday, April 30, 2010

Trust....I needed to read this this morning!!!

I was reading my daily devotional this morning and it so spoke to me that I wanted to share it with you all. I just had a conversation with a friend last night about this very thing~ Is God awesome...He always knows what we need if we will just trust that He will take care of us!

Have a blessed day!


“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 7:7-8)

I love to photograph trees, the variety, the shape, even the twisted trunks of dead trees – they all appeal to me.

These verses in Jeremiah paint a picture of hope. In the midst of all the criticism the Lord is having Jeremiah pass on to the people who have gone astray, he reminds them that if they will only turn back to the Lord and trust in Him, they will be blessed.

The tallest trees have some of the longest roots. In order to balance the height of the tree, they need a firm base to withstand the wind, or storms. The trees described here are alongside a water source so it is well watered. A well-watered tree, is green and healthy and will bear fruit or sometimes flowers, that go on to support birds, animals, insects, or provide us with food.

If I think of myself as being like a tree – as it says in Jeremiah – I need to be nourished in order to live, I need to be in right relationship with the Lord. I need to be mindful of the foundations of my faith, that like the roots will keep me strong in the trying times. I need that living water that Christ promised to us. It also says that I need not worry – something I spend too much time doing – rather hand over those worries to God.

Living with chronic illness, it may seem hard to see ourselves as “always green” – I know I often feel dry and shriveled up. I know I look at my circumstances and know that without my faith, I couldn’t make it through each day of pain. I wonder though if these verses today remind me that even when I may feel dried up and useless because of my circumstances, it is saying that God sees me as a green tree and He can still use me to bear fruit for Him.

About the Author:
Fiona Burrows lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is thankful for the difference God makes in her life as she lives with chronic pain. She enjoys finding time for reading, writing, travel and photography.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Appt with the Neuro Opthamologist

Today @ 2:00 p.m. I go to the Neuro Opthamologist. Hopefully he can shed some light on what is going on with my eye. I will post something when I get back. Ususally they don't give you answers right away, but maybe today will be different.


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Okay I really messed up. I thought that the support group was to meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month, nope...every 4th Wednesday!. So sorry for the mix up. We will meet next Wednesday night same time same place!

Your slightly messed up host,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Update on my eye

Sorry it has been so long since I updated about my eye. I am now being sent to an Neuro Opthamologist. They have determined that whatever is wrong with my eye can't be from the Thalamic Syndrome, although it does appear to be Neurological. I have my appointment a week from today. We will see what he has to say!

Thanks for all your prayers!


Support Group

Just a quick note to remind anyone reading this that might be interested in joining our support group we will be meeting Wednesday night at Gladeville Baptist Church, 6:15 p.m.. There will be child care availabe and if you need to come straight from work we have dinner at the church starting @ 5:00 p.m.. the address is 9000 Stewarts Ferry Pike.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Lets pun intended...I recieved a call from the Opthamologist on Tuesday afternoon. He reported that the field of vision test showed that the optic nerve in my left eye is definately the culprit. He wanted to call my neurologist to go over the last MRI of the brain I had and then he would get back to me on the next test they would like to do. I did not get to speak to him as he left all of this as a voicemail, so I have not been able to ask him questions. I did call Dr. Pete and he explained what he knew from the notes the Opthamologist sent him. That helped a little, but I am still not sure what is going on. My up close vision is fine as long as I don't have to read for a long period of time. My distance vision is distorted and blurry. I feel like my eyes are in a fight against eachother and am having pain in the left eye. FRUSTRATING! I really thought that I was done with all of this. You know I went to the Mayo clinic, they gave me a diagnosis and that was that! Ha I was wrong. I think a couple more days and I will be done feeling sorry for myself. I am hopeful that this will clear itself up and I will be seeing just fine in the very near future.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Vision Test

I had my field of vision test done yesterday. Not a painful test, but seem to stress me out due to not being able to see with my left eye. Only took about 15 minutes and then I was on my way home. Of course I won't know anything for a few days. I will let you all know when I find something out.

It is another gourgeous day out. Already went for a short walk. I always have to think twice about that due to it making my legs weak, but I had to. Sometimes I have to pick the discomfort to enjoy the things I love to do. Any of you know what I am talking about?

Blessing all.


Friday, April 2, 2010

This Weather Is WONDERFUL!!

Spring has finally Sprung here in Middle Tennessee! It couldn't be more beautiful. Each day something new is blooming, and everywhere you look it is turning into a blanked of green. The tempetures are in the 70's and 80's and the humidity is low! PERFECT!