I know I haven't really updated since I went to the Mayo Clinic or even really talked about how I am doing. I went off the Medicine they put me on about 3 weeks ago. The medicine helped with the pain and seemed to make the tremors is my hand better and the speech problems I sometimes have. Those things were nice, but they couldn't out way the fact that I was not able to function. The longer I took it the more withdrawn I became. If anyone asked me how I was doing I would just burst into tears! I wanted to get things done around the house but instead I would sit on the couch and stare into space knowing I wanted to get up and be productive!! One morning I had to have something done for Clay's school and so I decided not to take it until later. The longer I waited the more I realized how much it was messing me up! Fortunately it was about the time I was suppose to call the Dr. and let him know how it was working for me. That is just what I did and he told me to quit taking it! YAY.
What now? He told me that he was meeting with another Dr. who is trying some new treatments for this kind of pain disorder. What this may en tell I do not know. I don't see him until the end of the month. As of right now I am taking my Lyrica and have to take Hydrocodone at night if I want to sleep. I am not to keen on taking that stuff and even cut the dose in half. I am so fearful of becoming addicted so I try to limit how often I take it.
Craig and I have talked about going ahead and meeting with the Surgeon at the Mayo clinic that does the "Deep Brain" Stimulator. Not because I am considering it at this time, but because we would both like to be more informed about what it can do and the success rate. It is hard to find anything about its success on the web.
As this progresses I seem to becoming weaker on my left side, and it is almost impossible for me to stand in the shower with my eyes closed to wash my hair. I can't wear my glasses for long periods of time anymore because the earpiece causes the nerve pain to kick up and when it is in your face it is the worst. I wish there was a simple solution to all of this, but it seems as though I will be my own best advocate. There just aren't too many options out there. Oh they are willing to give me lots of drugs that would make me numb and possibly I wouldn't care if I was in pain, but I can't stand the thought of that...I will just keep on doing what I am doing for now. I know that I was not put on this "journey" for no reason. I am excited to see what God has in store for me down the road. I will be in touch.
Isaiah 41:10
A place for people dealing with Chronic Illness/Chronic Pain to come and discuss their journey. Share with others who may be facing the same challenges you are. So if you are suffering from pain, whether it be chronic or just for a season, please join me on this journey to be painfree.
About Me
- Pain-Free Journey
- Lets see...I am social person. I love to be around people. I started my career as a Hairstylist in 1987 and was passionate about it until I was no longer able to in 2007. I now manage a hair salon part time and enjoy sharing my knowledge with the stylists that are just starting their careers. I have been married for 16 years and have two boys 19 and 9! They are a tru joy in my life! I have 12 chickens and 1 Rooster. They are a hoot and I love the fresh eggs. I also enjoy reading and cooking. I have something called Thalamic Pain Syndrome. I have been suffering for 5 years now, but it has just been recently that I was diagnosed with this. Oh I have had plenty of " We think this is what is wrong" so to finally know what was causing my chronic pain is a huge relief
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