Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where I am now

Just last year I made a video to be shown during our worship service at church to let people know about our HopeKeepers group. If you have ever made a video that has to be 30 seconds you know how many takes that can be. As I recited my lines over and over again. "My name is Keri Delphia and I have been on a journey for the past 7 years to be pain free." It really sunk in how long I have been on this Journey. That I really have a chronic illness that causes me pain and has altered my life in so many ways. As I looked back on the road that I have been down and where God has taken me I could truly see why my journey has been for a reason. God has given me a heart to support others who suffer from a chronic illness. Sometimes invisible and sometimes very aparent. Before I became ill I really had no sympothy for those who suffered. I couldn't understand why they couldn't just push through it and live normaly. God has truly lifted me up out of the pits many times and shown me His grace and mercy, which has lead me to understand the fresh start He wanted for me.
As I walk this journey with so many others who are struck by life long illness I know that they understand where I am, and excepts me just the way I am right now in my life. As I write this I think of all my friends in our HopeKeepers group and how no matter what is going on in my life or theirs we are there for eachother lifting eachother up when the other just doesn't seem to know how they will walk through the next hurdle in their journey. I encourage any of you reading this who does not have a support group, especially a HopeKeepers group, to find one through the restministries website or if you are feeling called to lead one take the next step.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hello! It has been way too long!

I have been idle for way too long. I have had so many problems with my computer as of the last year that I have let my blog go by the way side. I am back in business now and ready to get back to writing.

It has been a very hot summer here in Middle Tennessee. I have spent a lot of time inside as the sun and the heat are a culprit for pain in my life. That used to really bother me and make me sad, but I have learned when and what time of day I can be outside and have left the sadness behind. I look at it like I am saving my skin by not being able to lay in the sun anymore:).

We have two new members in our family now. My father-in-law has moved in with us and his sweet dog Blue. It has been an adjustment but he truly seems to love being with us and have seen him smiling a lot as of late. God is good and will continue to work this for His Glory.

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!
